Inspire His Masculine


From Frustration to Fulfilment in Just 12 Weeks!

Are you in a committed relationship with a loving and kind partner, yet feel unfulfilled because his masculine energy is lacking? This 12-week 1-1 program is designed to help women like you inspire your partner to step into his masculine role.

"Things are amazing with my boyfriend and I. Our relationship elevated and it just keeps getting better and better. I am so happy and fulfilled. Highly recommend for any woman trying to step into her femininity and have a thriving relationship!

— ‘K’, South Africa.

"I've noticed my boyfriend taking the lead. When he has a problem, he is now telling me exactly what he's going to do about it rather than waiting for me to give him some sort of advice which is so much more attractive and masculine to me. He seems much happier in this role also."

— 'I', United Kingdom.

Is this you?

You feel safe and comfortable with your partner, knowing he would never stray, but he isn’t meeting your need for strong masculine energy. He doesn’t make you feel feminine. You can’t respect him because his energy doesn’t demand respect. You feel exhausted, frustrated, and unfulfilled, wondering if things will ever change. You're in limbo in making the decision to leave or stay which has been causing a lot of anxiety.

Here’s the truth: It’s your feminine energy that will inspire his masculine energy.

But sometimes, it’s hard to embody that energy because of:

- Past trauma from childhood or previous relationships

- Low self-worth

- An anxious attachment style that pushes you into masculine energy

Maybe you’ve read a lot about masculine and feminine energy and know lots of theory, but when it comes to daily real life practice, you struggle to see what’s really going on.

I understand—because I’ve been in this EXACT situation too. And I know exactly how to help. It’s time to unlock your feminine energy and inspire your partner to step into his masculine strength. With the right guidance, you can create a spark between the two of you and enjoy a relationship where he naturally takes the lead, leaving you feeling feminine and fulfilled.

Introducing Inspire His Masculine

This personalised coaching journey is designed to help you break down the barriers holding you back from fully embracing your feminine essence and inspire your partner to rise into his masculine role.

The Inspire His Masculine Formula

1. Feminine Foundation: Embody Your Feminine Essence

Discover the root causes that have kept you in your masculine energy and learn how to embrace softness, self-love, and receptivity. This pillar focuses on helping you reconnect with your true feminine nature through somatic healing practices, enabling you to heal your anxious attachment style and limiting beliefs that have been holding you back.

2. Masculine Magnetism: Understand and Inspire Masculine Energy

Understand the dynamics that either inspire or suppress masculine energy in your partner. Learn the art of "leaning back" to create space for your partner to step into his masculine role, naturally encouraging his strength, leadership, and confidence.

3. Authentic Alignment: Live from Your Truth

In this pillar, you'll master the art of communicating in an authentic, vulnerable feminine way that will get your needs met (rather than him just saying ‘sorry’ and continuing to do the same thing again). This section provides tools and scripts to help you communicate effectively.

4. Empowered Engagement: Develop Inner Strength and Independence

This pillar is all about reclaiming your inner power and emotional independence, so you're not dependent on your partner. This pillar empowers you develop unshakable self-worth and confidence.

5. Connection Catalyst: Ignite Passion & Polarity

Apply practical, actionable tools to create the attraction, passion, and polarity you've been longing for.


“Having Isla’s presence itself has been so transformative. She holds such an amazing and loving space for me. She really helps me see a lot of my own blind spots.

— Roshmila, India

“I feel that the clarity I got from working with Isla is just what I needed to step out into my future. If you are needing to talk out any issues of your relationship or lack there of, Isla is a fantastic choice.”

— Barbara, USA

What’s included:

12 x 60-minute 1-1 Zoom coaching sessions (on a weekly basis)

Unlimited 24/7 WhatsApp coaching support between sessions meaning that you have access to me and my coaching round the clock

Lifetime access to recordings of our sessions

My guided Happy Ever After meditation

Through this program, you will:

  • Drop deeply into your feminine energy and stay in it even when you feel upset, angry, or unsafe.

  • Gain a deep understanding of masculine energy men —what they need and how to inspire them to lead.

  • Heal Past Trauma and shift the limiting beliefs that are blocking you from inspiring the masculine energy in your partner

  • Boost your self-worth and confidence

  • Love yourself more

Hi, I’m Isla.

I’m an accredited dating and relationship coach, and I help women drop into their feminine energy and inspire the masculine energy in their man.

I’ve received comprehensive training and accreditation under Michelle Manley, one of the UK's top dating coaches.

I also transformed my own relationship from feeling like ‘the man’ in my relationship to feeling like the WOMAN, by embracing my feminine energy, and now, with my professional training, personal journey, and client experience, I’m here to guide you in creating the same results.

“Before I spoke to Isla, I was feeling really unfulfilled in my relationship. I knew that I wanted the feminine/masculine energy dynamic in my relationship but it always felt like I was the one giving, when I wanted to be the one receiving! I then started working with Isla (over WhatsApp coaching) and I had an amazing experience. I felt so supported knowing that Isla was there to help me and answer my questions whenever I needed it (and I needed it a lot!) She is extremely empathetic and relatable. Working with her felt like speaking with a really non-judgemental, kind and knowledgeable friend - who gently guides you into your feminine. I love Isla’s gentle and inquisitive approach, which helped me come to my own realisations. Since my coaching with Isla, I feel lighter, more free and feminine, and I feel more pursued by my boyfriend. I’ve managed to really see and feel how the energy shifted now that I’m out of my masculine."

— ‘P’, United Kingdom

Program investment:

€1850 upfront or 3 monthly payments of €650

Are you ready to stop feeling hard and resentful—and start feeling feminine and soft?