Masculine Energy Magnet


Attract masculine energy men who lead, take care of you, and want a serious relationship.

A 12 week 1-1 program for single women who keep attracting passive feminine men and want to change what they’re attracting

Is this you?

You want to be engaged to a masculine man - a man who sees the value in your femininity and makes you feel protected, but instead you only attract men that are in their feminine.

Why does this happen?

It could be that:

  • Your dating profile puts masculine energy men off. Your profile is masculine and vague instead of warm, inviting, feminine, and specific.

  • You have negative beliefs about men, such as “there aren’t any men who want to lead and be in their masculine any more”. Our subconscious will give us evidence of whatever we believe.

  • You have negative beliefs about yourself, such as “no man would want me” or “no one will like me as I am”.

  • You are in your masculine energy instead of your feminine energy, which will push masculine energy men away and attract feminine energy men instead. Maybe you’ve read a lot about masculine and feminine energy and know lots of theory, but when it comes to daily real life practice, you struggle to see what’s really going on.

  • You have an anxious attachment style, which causes you to get very attached to men very soon and go into masculine energy.

  • You have unresolved past trauma from childhood and/or previous relationships.

  • Your self-worth is low.

Or it could be all of the above!

Introducing Masculine Energy Magnet

I know what it’s like to be craving a masculine energy man while experiencing the opposite. I've been there, feeling hopeless. Through my 1-1 coaching program, I will guide you to remove these barriers and attract healthy, masculine men who are ready to commit.


The calibre of men that I've been talking to has really gone up and it can only get better! I would definitely recommend talking to Isla.”

— Salwa, UK

“I’m so happy that I found Isla. She is improving my life more than my psychologist.

— Isabelle, Switzerland

The Masculine Energy Magnet Method

1. Attraction Through Feminine Embodiment
Learn how to embody feminine energy authentically, making you magnetic to masculine energy men. With personalised feminine energy practices, you’ll naturally draw in men who are ready to protect, lead, and commit.

2. Healing & Releasing Emotional Blocks
Address the subconscious blocks and emotional wounds that have been holding you back. Heal your anxious attachment style and shift your negative beliefs about men, relationships, and yourself.

3. Mastering Masculine Energy Dynamics
Understand what motivates masculine energy men, what they need in a relationship, and how to inspire them to step into their leadership role. Learn to lean back and allow men to take the lead, while maintaining your warmth and authenticity.

4. Self-Worth & Feminine Empowerment
Develop unshakable self-worth and confidence. Learn to stay grounded in your feminine energy and maintain emotional vulnerability, allowing you to attract high-quality men while setting healthy boundaries.

What’s included:

12 x 60-minute 1-1 Zoom coaching sessions (on a weekly basis)

Unlimited 24/7 WhatsApp coaching support between sessions meaning that you have access to me and my coaching round the clock

Lifetime access to recordings of our sessions

My guided Happy Ever After meditation


A unique, personalised feminine dating profile

Through this program, you will:

  • Get a feminine dating profile that reflects your unique, inviting, and feminine self—instantly drawing in masculine energy men.

  • Drop deeply into your feminine energy and stay in it even when you feel upset, angry, or unsafe.

  • Gain a deep understanding of masculine energy men —what they need, what turns them off, and how to inspire them to lead.

  • Heal Past Trauma and shift the limiting beliefs that are blocking you from attracting masculine energy men

  • Boost your self-worth and confidence

  • Love yourself more

“I highly recommend Isla for any woman trying to step into her femininity and have a thriving relationship!

— ‘K’, South Africa.

Hi, I’m Isla.

I’m an accredited dating and relationship coach, and I help women drop into their feminine energy to attract a masculine partner who loves them for who they truly are.

I’ve received comprehensive training and accreditation under Michelle Manley, one of the UK's top dating coaches.

I also transformed my own love life from feeling hopeless and craving masculine energy to feeling taken care of and feminine, by embracing my feminine energy, and now, with my professional training, personal journey, and client experience, I’m here to guide you in creating the same results.

"Isla is such a wonderful dating and relationship coach. My friends are even seeking my advice because of my success!"

- ‘F’, Australia

Program investment:

€1990 upfront or 3 monthly payments of €700

Are you ready to have masculine energy men chase YOU, rather than you chasing them?